New Year, Better Smile
Tips for How to Better Your Smile in the New Year with Your Dentist in Trumbull CT
The New Year is right around the corner and everyone is thinking of their resolutions. Commonly, resolutions are about saving money, losing weight, eating healthier, but we’re here to talk about your New Year’s resolution to be about improving your dental health. Your dentist in Trumbell CT is here with some tips to take into the New Year in order to have a healthy, happy smile!
Quit Bad Habits
This is also included in one of the many popular resolutions. Kicking the habit of smoking cigarettes and tobacco use is not only beneficial for your overall health, but for your dental health, as well. Tobacco intensely lingers in the mouth, causing oral and dental issues right away. It increases your risks of cavities, gum recession, gum disease, tooth loss and types of cancers like oral, throat and lung.
Better Your Diet
Losing weight is another common resolution. It’s well known that gyms are quite populated around the New Year, people wanting to better their physical health. But changing your diet is helpful, too! If you include more foods like vegetables and fruits in your diet, they can also improve your dental health. Fruits and veggies that naturally carry water and are particularly crunchy work with your smile, stimulate your saliva, and work your jaw to become strong.
Schedule Your Next Check-Up
Visiting the dentist is a popular appointment to skip because patients think that their dental health is just fine. Unfortunately, there can be hidden issues that don’t show themselves until it’s too late! These bi-annual check-ups will only improve your oral and dental care and you’ll be happy to share your smile into the New Year!
Your dentist in Trumbull CT hopes you have a wonderful New Year and don’t forget to make an appointment with us by calling our office at 203-261-8749!