Smile-Friendly Holiday Meals
Within the next month, we’ll be swamped with so many holiday plans, we won’t know which dinner to go to! Sometimes, the right answer is to go to all of them, and while your friends and family may appreciate seeing you during this wonderful time of the year, your smile may not be so grateful. This month, your Trumbull dentist wants to share some helpful tips on how to keep your teeth and gums healthy during all these holiday meals.
Everything in Moderation
During at least one of these dinners, you may see your favorite holiday food, whether it’s mashed potatoes or pumpkin pie, but it’s important not to over-indulge on these things. Your teeth will not be used to this kind of treatment, so your smile is likely to get a little bit weaker with the addition of sugar and starch wearing down your enamel and building up bacteria in hard-to-reach places. Be sure to always floss once you’re finished with these meals and never skip out on brushing your teeth at the end of the day!
Pass on the Candies
While this may be difficult, your teeth will thank you. You’ll be having multiple hearty meals, certainly way more than usual, and adding candies on top of that, whether hard or chewy, will weaken your smile and put you at a higher risk for cavities. Don’t let your sweet tooth help encourage tooth decay!
Load Up on Veggies
We know these holiday meals are all about the major proteins and some delicious starches but don’t forget about all the great vegetables that wonderfully compliment these plates. We highly encourage you to fill your plate with an assortment of your favorite vegetables that are packed with beneficial vitamins and minerals. Here’s another helpful tip: red and orange vegetables, like peppers, are high in vitamin C, which are good for your gums, while leafy green vegetables, like spinach and broccoli, are great sources of calcium, which helps strengthen your enamel.
Looking for more smile-friendly ways to make the most out of your holiday meals? Don’t hesitate to call your Trumbull dentist today at (203) 261-8749 and we’ll be happy to give you the right tips for your smile. And don’t forget to schedule an appointment, too! We know how busy this time of year can be, so be sure to take care of your teeth and gums in between.